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Version 5.2.2 was released on September 27, 2021.


  • CHK-882 Assignees can now be shown by their name or initials with or without an avatar.

  • CHK-1161 Obtaining the checklist values programmatically now always returns the items in the right order.

  • CHK-1164 Empty checklists render an EMPTY label instead of a standard checklist header in the Issue Search screen.

Bug fixes

  • CHK-1167 Resetting a checklist with default local items failed when the checklist was shown in panel view with the ability to add local items disabled.

  • CHK-1163 Checklists renders an EMPTY label in the Issue Search screen even if they aren’t part of the context of the row’s issue.

  • CHK-1168 Items are duplicated when a checklist and a proxy that displays as a checklist are on the same screen.

  • CHK-1169 Incorrect field configuration name is shown in the export screen.

JavaScript errors detected

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