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Adding a Proxy custom field

You need administrator rights in Jira to perform the tasks on this page.

To add the Checklist Read-Only Proxy custom field to Jira:

  1. Go to Administration > Issues.

  2. In the sidebar, go to Fields > Custom fields.

  3. Click Add custom field.

  4. In the sidebar of the window that opens, click Advanced.

  5. Select the Checklist Read-Only Proxy field type and click Next.

  6. Enter a name and description for the new Checklist Read-Only Proxy custom field and click Create.

  7. If you are using the Proxy to display Checklist information directly within issues, on the Associate field Checklist Read-Only Proxy to screens page that automatically displays, select the screens on which the new Checklist Read-Only Proxy custom field should appear and click Update.

If you are only using the Proxy to display Checklist information on Agile cards, skip this step.

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