Feature | Checklist for Jira | Smart Checklist for Jira. Enterprise | Multiple Checklists for Jira | My ToDo (Retired App) |
General Functionality |
Multiple Checklists | More than one checklist per issue |
Details Via multiple Custom Fields and/or Custom Fields' contexts. | 
Details Each Issue can have multiple independent checklists. |
Details Via multiple Custom Fields and/or Custom Fields' contexts. |
Each checklist can be individually contextualized Explanation Individual checklists can be controlled to appear only on specific project and/or issue type. |
Each Checklist is individually configurable Explanation You can configure the look and feel as well as the features of each checklist separately. |
Search by Checklist Explanation You can search for data targeting a specific checklist. |
Collapsible checklist Explanation When there are multiple checklists on a page, checklists can be collapsed to save space. |
Contextualization Explanation Can control the visibility of a checklist per project and/or issue type | Per Project |
Per Issue Type |
Checklist size and storage | Explanation How many items and characters can be stored in the checklist. | 
Details Unlimited number of checklist items. | ⚠ Details Unlimited number of checklist items. Loss of functionality when exceeding 32,768 characters. | ⚠ Details Limited to 32,768 characters across all checklists in an issue. | ⚠ Details Limited to 500 characters for a checklist item. Do not allow duplicate item names. |
Global Items | Explanation Global Items are items automatically applied to all applicable issues at once. When you add/change/delete global items, the changes are automatically applied to new and existing issues with the checklist. |
Default Value | Feature Explanation Checklist items are automatically added to an issue after the issue has been created. |
Available in the Create Dialog Explanation Checklist items are available in the create dialog and can be modified while creating the issue. |
Display Locations in Issue View | Create Dialog, Edit Dialog and Transition Screens |
Issue Tabs |
Issue View - Left Panel |
Issue View - Right Panel |
Filter completed items | Explanation Filter out all completed items from the checklists, leaving only incomplete items. |
Prevent addition of local items | Explanation No one can add extra local items besides the default values. | 
| ⚠️ Details Only possible when a default value is set. |
Concurrent Editing | Explanation Multiple people working on the same checklist do not overwrite each other’s changes. | 
Details Concurrent editing is possible in “Panel” display mode. | 
Lock on Resolution | Explanation Checklists can be locked to prevent edits once an issue is resolved. | 
Operation History (Audit Trail) | Explanation Checklist operations can be reviewed at a later time to determine who did what, and when. |
Details All modifications are tracked in the issue history panel along with the issue’s changes. |
Details Independent panel showing all checklist’s modification together. | 
Details Independent panel showing all checklist’s modification together. | 
Details Independent panel showing all checklist’s modification together. |
Access Management (Permissions) |
Details Permission schemes allow for deep customization of permissions. | 
Details Via project permission page. |
Details Via proprietary permission page. Can only limit editing permission to admin or reporter. |
Cloning Checklist when issue is cloned |
Additional Languages |
Details Full English, French and German translations. |
Details Full English and Russian translations. Partial German translations. |
Rendered in Confluence | Explanation Renders a read-only representation of the Checklist in Confluence. |
Adaptable Checklist Header | Explanation Ability to controls the visibility, appearance and information displayed in the Checklist Header. |
Ease of Installation | Explanation Steps required to have the checklist displayed in an issue right after installation. |
Details Since the checklist is a custom field type, the custom field itself must be created, configured and and added to screens before being displayed on an issue (as with any custom field). |
Details Checklist is available in issues right after installing the app. |
Details Checklist is available in issues right after installing the app. |
Details Since the checklist is a custom field type, the custom field itself must be created, configured and and added to screens before being displayed on an issue (as with any custom field). |
Checklist Bulk Operation |
Edit checklist in a Text Editor | Explanation The entire checklist can be edited via markdown in a single page. |
Copy & Paste checklist from Clipboard | Explanation A markdown representation of the entire checklist can be cut and pasted to/from the clipboard. |
Details Can only be cut and pasted inside the text editor. |
Details Can be pasted directly in input field or the text editor. |
Copy checklist from Email, Slack, Skype, etc. | Explanation A markdown representation of the entire checklist can be shared via different text based tools. |
Change all checklist items at once | Check/Uncheck |
Status |
Assignee |
Due Date |
Priority |
All of the above, simultaneously |
Apply changes only to check/unchecked items |
Reset Checklist | Explanation Reset the checklist to the same state as it was when the issue was created. |
Jira Issue Bulk Operation | Explanation Change the checklist when multiple issues are selected and changed in a bulk operation. |
Details You can do bulk changes by editing a text representation of the checklist. |
Convert multiple items to issues | Feature |
Display Issue Create Dialog |
Convert multiple items to sub-tasks | Feature |
Display Issue Create Dialog |
Checklist Items |
Markdown | Full Multiline Markdown | 
| ⚠ Details Items themselves do not support multiline. You can add more lines to an item in the text editor mode. However, the additional lines are added below the item, outside of it. Does not support advanced Markdown such as emojis and tables. | ⚠ Details Allows multiline within a item. Limited set of markdown syntax available. | 
Details Does not follow standard Markdown specifications. |
Simplified Markdown Explanation Offers a limited set of markdown syntax in a single line format. | 
Image Linking |
Details Does not support images inside section heading, only within items. |
Item Description | Feature |
Details Description can only be added from the text editor, not directly in the item. |
Collapsible |
Collapse/Expand all descriptions Explanation User can collapse or expand the description of all items at once. |
Information bubble Explanation Display an icon which can be moused over to display the description. |
Mandatory vs Optional | Explanation Items can be marked as mandatory or optional. This can then be used in validating the checklist’s completion. |
Item Statuses | Feature |
Different per Checklist Explanation Each checklist can have its own independent set of statuses. |
Configurable Explanation Statuses can be added, removed, renamed, and reordered. |
Details Default statuses cannot be renamed or deleted. New statuses can be added and deleted, but not renamed. |
Details Statuses cannot be reordered. | 
Checkbox linked to status Explanation Links status to the checkbox’s state (selecting a status marks the checkbox as checked). | 
Details More control over how statuses and checkboxes interact with each other. Clicking on a checkbox never automatically sets a status. |
Details Clicking on the checkbox will always set the status to Closed and unchecking it will always set the status to Open. |
Details Inverting the checkbox state will always invert the status. Clicking on a checkbox never automatically sets a status. |
Can be disabled Explanation Ability to disable item statuses (use checkboxes only). |
Item Due Date | Feature | 
Details As an independent field with a calendar popup to select/modify the date. | 
Details Inside the item’s text. Calendar popup is triggered by typing //. Once the date has been selected, you cannot modify it from a calendar popup, only by deleting the date and retyping //. |
Details Inside the item’s text. Calendar popup is triggered by typing //. Modify the date by clicking it. |
Date & Time Explanation Can set the time as well as the date. | 
Color coding Explanation Displays the date in different colors to indicated past, current and future dates. |
Can be disabled |
Details Cannot be disabled but remains invisible unless a due date is added in the item’s text. |
Item Priority |
User Assignment | Feature | 
Details As an independent field with a user selection popup to select/modify the assignee. Popup also contains actions to unassign, or assign to self. |
Details Inside the item’s text. User popup is triggered by typing @ followed by a letter. Once the assignee has been selected, you can only modify it by deleting the assignee and retyping @. |
Details Inside the item’s text. User popup is triggered by typing @ followed with a letter. Once the assignee has been selected, you can only modify it by deleting the assignee and retyping @. |
Details Inside the item’s text. User popup is triggered by typing @ followed with a letter. Once the assignee has been selected, you can only modify it by deleting the assignee and retyping @. |
Display user’s avatar and name | 
Details Can be configured to display the avatar, name or both. |
Access to user’s profile | 
Details Mouse over displays user’s information and link to profile. |
Details Clicking on user’s name opens its profile. | 
Send Notification | 
Details Not native to the app but can be achieved via Automation, which gives greater flexibility and control on the notification and the associated message. | 
Details Notifications can be disabled. HTML rendering of the items assigned to you. |
Can be disabled |
Details Cannot be disabled but remains invisible until a mention is added in the item’s text. | 
Details Cannot be disabled but remains invisible until a mention is added in the item’s text. |
Details Cannot be disabled but remains invisible until a mention is added in the item’s text. |
User Mention | Explanation @ mention users within the item’s text |
Details No logic behind @mention. Purely aesthetic rendering. | 
Details Displays a popup to select the user. | 
Details Displays a popup to select the user. |
Details Displays a popup to select the user. |
Section Heading | Feature Explanation Items can be visually regrouped under a section. |
Collapsible Heading Explanation All items underneath the section heading can be collapsed to hide/display them. |
Collapsed by default when issue is opened |
Move Heading Section with all of its children |
Add items directly under a section |
Bulk operations for all items under a section heading |
Summary count of items under a section heading |
Issue Link | Explanation Ability to recognize an issue key in the item’s text and render a hyperlink. |
Details Renders the link with the issue’s key only. | 
Details Renders the link with the issue’s icon, key and name. |
Details Renders the link with the issue’s icon, key and name. |
Convert item to issue | Feature |
Details When the checklist is displayed as a panel. |
Display Issue Create Dialog Explanation By showing the Issue Create Dialog, more properties can be set during issue creation. |
Convert item to sub-task | Feature |
Display Issue Create Dialog |
Last Check / Uncheck User | Explanation Shows who last checked/unchecked an item without consulting the operation history. |
Templates |
All users can create and manage their own templates |
Details All users can create templates and edit templates they own. |
Details All users can create and edit any project templates. |
Project Managers can create templates for their projects | 
Admins can create global templates | 
Template permissions can be configured |
Details Administrators can disable the ability to import templates. Administrators can configure which project roles can create templates from issues. Administrators can disable templating mechanism for users and project managers by disabling app’s modules. |
User can mark templates as favorites |
Project Managers can pin templates for quick access |
Templates can be automatically applied to issues | 
Details Administrators can use Default Local Items to import a template directly on the create screen. Administrators can use a post function to import a template with advanced conditions. Project managers can use Automation for Jira to import a template with advanced conditions. | 
Details Administrators can configure advanced conditions. Project managers can configure for which issue types the template will automatically be applied to. | 
Details Administrators can configure advanced conditions on any template. Project managers can configure advanced conditions on their project templates. |
Agile Board Integration |
Modify Checklist in issue details | Explanation When a card is selected, users can modify the checklist in the right side panel. |
Progress Shown on Agile Cards | Checked / Total Explanation Shows the number of completed items, for example 3/4. |
Progress bar |
Custom Labels Explanation Users can create their own labels using custom text and predefined %progress variables%. |
JQL Search |
Basic Search |
JQL Functions | Search for checklists where all items are checked |
Search for checklists where all items are unchecked |
Search for checklists where all mandatory items are checked |
Search for a range of completion % |
Search for a range of completion % within a section heading |
Search for a specific status |
Search for checklists with items assigned to me |
Search for specific due date and/or range |
Search for items matching multiple criteria Explanation When using JQL operators (OR, AND), the search result will return the issue where the terms were found anywhere in the checklist. This feature allows users to match multiple terms inside the same checklist item. |
| ⚠️ Details Limited to the item name, status and checkbox fields. |
Search result display format Explanation When in the search page, the result of the search can be displayed in a “List View” showing multiple fields. | Complete Checklist Explanation The entire checklist is rendered as in the issue view. |
Checked / Total |
Progress bar |
Custom Label Explanation Users can create their own labels using custom text and predefined %progress variables%. |
Workflow Operations |
Workflow Condition | Feature |
Details Supports multiple conditions listed below. |
| ⚠️ Details Supports “All items checked” and “All mandatory items checked”. |
Conditional Rules Explanation Can be conditionally applied to specific checklists and/or Issue fields (via JQL or other mean) |
Details Can apply to a specific list of checklists, or all. Can have issue type, label or JQL condition. |
| ⚠️ Details Must select which checklist field it applies to. |
Workflow Validation | Feature |
Details Supports multiple validators listed below. |
Details Supports “All items checked” |
Details Supports “All items checked” and “All items have a status set” |
Details Supports “All items checked”, “All mandatory items checked”, “All items must have statuses”, “No items must have statuses”. |
Conditional Rules Explanation Can be conditionally applied to specific checklists and/or Issue fields (via JQL or other mean) |
Details Can apply to a specific list of checklists, or all. Can have issue type, label or JQL condition. |
Details Can apply to a specific checklist, or all. |
Details Must select which checklist field it applies to. |
Workflow Function | Append / replace items |
Append / replace items from template |
Details Changes to the template are not kept in sync with the post function. |
Apply changes to existing items Explanation Modify checklist items: - Check or uncheck all items. - Remove or set statuses. |
Conditional Rules Explanation Can be conditionally applied to specific checklists and/or Issue fields (via JQL or other mean) |
Jira Service Management |
Agent View |
Customer Portal | Displayed as read-only |
Customer can interact with the checklist |
Automation for Jira |
Modify Checklist via Edit Issue Action | Modify the entire checklist |
Append new items |
Third Party Extension Explanation Extensions loaded inside Automation for Jira which allow users to perform more complex operations. | Import Template Action |
Add / Edit / Remove items Action |
Checklist Condition |
Checklist Changed Trigger |
Smart Values |
Import/Export |
Server to Cloud |
Cloud to Server |
Export to CSV |
Import from CSV |
Import from Trello |
Import from My ToDo |
Details Natively imports from within the Checklist for Jira app. |
Details Requires outside tools, manual setup and scripting. |
| N/A |
Dashboard |
Custom Gadgets | Items assigned to me |
Atlassian Gadgets | Heat Map and Pie Chart Explanation Checklist item’s statistics can be displayed inside the gadgets. |
Filter Results Explanation Capability to display checklists' summaries inside the gadget. | 
Details Can display checklist, checked / total, progress bar and custom labels. | 
Details Can only display checklist and checked / total. |
Details Can only display checked / total progress. |
Details Can only display the checklist item names. |
Configurability |
Look & Feel | Strike Through Effects |
Hide Checklists with no items from issue view | 
Details Only available in custom field display mode. |
Only show items that are checked on issue view | 
Details Only available in custom field display mode. |
Show truncated list of items Explanation Shows a limited number of items to save real estate. Expand to show all items. | 
Details Only available in custom field display mode. |
Compact View |
Status selector location Explanation Status selector can be move to different positions. |
Details Can be positioned after the checkbox or at the end of the item’s text. |
Checklist Behaviors | Explanation Checklist features can be individually turned ON or OFF to fit specific needs. | 
Details Dozens of features can be individually turned ON or OFF. |  |
Customization (Developer Support) |
Scripting | Checklist can be accessed via scripting |
Easy access to item’s data | 
Details Can iterate over all items, each item being an object containing different properties (name, completion, status, etc.). |
Details Data is stored in a text format so each item must be parsed individually. |
Details Data is stored in a JSON string and must be parsed. |
Library of scripting examples |
Third Party Apps Integration |
Configuration Manager for Jira |
Issue Printer |
Xporter |
HelpDesk for Jira |
Script Runner |
Power Scripts |