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Action - Import template

The Import template action allows you to import a template’s items to existing checklists by either appending the template’s items to the end of the checklist or replacing the checklist’s items with the template’s items.


The action’s fields are as follows:



SINCE V7.0.4

Data source

Indicates the checklist and items that will be affected by this action.

  • Issues: The selected checklist fields and each of their stored items.

  • Checklist Trigger: The checklist that triggered the automation rule and the items that matched the trigger.


The checklists that the template will be imported into.


The template that will be imported. Once selected, a preview will appear at the bottom.


The method used to import the template.

  • Append: Items are added at the end of the checklist’s current items.

  • Replace: The checklist’s items are replaced with the template’s items.

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