Editing parameters using REST APIs
You need administrator rights in Jira to perform the tasks on this page.
To improve readability, all JSON results will be beautified whereas the actual results will not.
This API lets you configure Checklist, Proxy and Customer Portal Proxy parameters based on the provided field configuration ID.
Request URI
The base request URI for all APIs on this page is as follows:
{JIRA Instance}/rest/com.okapya.jira.checklist/latest/checklists/configuration/{FieldConfigId}/parameters
See Configuring checklists using REST APIs: Base configuration path for more help with the Request URI.
JSON examples
The following are full JSON examples of the different parameters with default values.
Checklist parameters
"version": 7,
"discretionaryOptionIds": [],
"statusCsv": "notApplicable, N/A, Default, Complete, Keep\r\ninProgress, In Progress, Current, Incomplete, Remove\r\nblocked, Blocked, Error, Incomplete, Remove",
"showStatusMenu": false,
"allowLocalItems": true,
"allowMandatory": true,
"lockOnResolution": true,
"canConvertToIssue": true,
"canBulkEdit": true,
"canBulkComplete": true,
"issueLinkType": null,
"canAssignUsers": false,
"canSetDueDate": false,
"canSetPriority": false,
"enableAdvancedMarkdown": false,
"enableExternalAssetLinking": false,
"enableHeaderItems": true,
"enableHeaderItemCollapsing": true,
"showHeaderItemSummaries": true,
"defaultHeaderCollapsedState": "Expanded",
"defaultMandatoryState": true,
"limitChecklistWidth": true,
"showProgressHeaderInReadOnlyView": true,
"showProgressHeaderInEditView": true,
"strikeThrough": true,
"showMore": false,
"showMoreCount": 0,
"alwaysShowEmptyChecklist": true,
"alwaysShowUncheckedChecklist": true,
"hideUncheckedInReadonlyView": false,
"issueViewDisplayMode": "CustomField",
"summarySource": "AllItems",
"bannerParameters": {
"completedLabel": "",
"allMandatoryLabel": "",
"incompleteLabel": "",
"emptyLabel": "",
"type": "Progression",
"appearance": "Normal"
"assigneeDisplay": "Avatar",
"descriptionDisplay": "LinkUnderItem",
"compactView": false,
"checklistPermissionSchemeId": null,
"reporterCanEdit": true,
"allCanComplete": true,
"limitEditionWithRoles": false,
"editRoleIds": [],
"canImportTemplateIntoChecklist": true,
"canCreateTemplateFromChecklist": true,
"createTemplateFromChecklistRoleIds": [],
"useConfluenceRenderer": true
Checklist proxy parameters
"summarySource":"AllItems" || "MandatoryItems",
Checklist proxy for customer portal parameters
Get parameters
GET [...]/parameters
| Description | Example |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the requested parameters. |
Update parameters
PUT [...]/parameters
| Description | Example |
Request | A JSON representation of the fields to be updated, including their values. You only have to list the fields and values you want to update. |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the updated parameters. |
For the list of potential exceptions, see Exceptions for configuration REST APIs: Parameter exceptions.