Viewing Checklist statistics in dashboards
Statistical data for a Checklist custom field can be consulted in standard Jira dashboard gadgets. The statistics are based on checked items the same way they are for selected labels in a Labels field. The labels of the checked items consist of their names, stripped of Markdown.
Looking for a way to view all your incomplete items in a gadget? See Viewing your incomplete items in a dashboard.
To view Checklist custom field statistics:
The following example uses the Issue Statistics gadget, but the same procedure can also be applied to other field-based statistics gadgets.
Click the Dashboards menu on the top left of the screen and open the dashboard of your choice.
Open the Add a gadget dialog by clicking Add gadget on the top right of the dashboard.
In the row for the gadget, click Add gadget.
In the Statistic Type field, select a Checklist custom field. Configure the remaining settings and click Save.
The gadget will now show statistics from the checked items in the selected Checklist custom field.