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Connecting a Google account

To use the Google integrations, each user must connect their Google account.

For more details about security and privacy, see our data security policy.

The first time a user tries to access a Google integration, they will be prompted with a message letting them know they must connect their Google account.

The below procedure shows how to connect to Google Drive. When you connect to Google Calendar or Sheets, the application name and the list of permissions in step 4 will be different.

To connect your Google account to Jira:

  1. In the issue you want to use the app in, click Connectors for Jira.

  2. A Connectors for Jira panel will appear under the issue’s Description field. Click Connect with Google to begin the authentication process.

  3. A dialog with a message from Atlassian Forge will appear. Select Configure access.

  4. A page managed by Atlassian Forge will open in a new window. We recommend validating the domain and requested access before selecting Continue.

  5. In the Google authentication process, sign in to your desired Google account. We recommend validating the requested access before selecting Continue, then Allow.


The sign-in process is now complete! You should be redirected to Jira, where you can use your integration.

If you want to connect both your Google Drive and Calendar to a Jira issue, you will have to complete the authentication process separately for each integration.

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