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Viewing event details

Your Google account must be connected to Jira and the Google Calendar integration must be enabled.

You can see the following information about a linked event in your Jira issue:

  1. Event title: Click to view event details in Google Calendar.

  2. Calendar icon: Hover over the icon to see a tooltip stating what type of event it is and what calendar the event originates from. The icon’s colours will also change depending on the event type and originating calendar:

    • Original event: Dark gray on a gray background.

    • Invitation to an event: Dark gray on a white background.

    • Private event: Light gray on a white background.

  3. Date and time.

  4. Participants: Click the caret to expand or collapse the list of participants.

  5. Participation status: The circle in the top right of the participant icon indicates if they have answered the event invitation, and if they have, what they answered (Yes, No, or Maybe).

  6. Organizer: The organizer’s icon has a wheel icon in the bottom left.

If you edit a linked event in Google Calendar, refresh the app or issue page for the changes to appear in Jira.

Users will only be able to access calendar events that their Google account has the right permissions for. See the Google Calendar integration FAQ for more information.

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