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FAQ - Outlook Calendar

Welcome to the Outlook Calendar integration FAQ page!

Looking for the general FAQ page? See here!

Where are my linked events stored?

Your events remain in Outlook. Connectors for Jira only stores a link between your events and your Jira issues.

If I unlink an event from Jira, will it also delete it from Outlook?

Unlinking an event won’t automatically delete it from Outlook. If you have the right permissions in the event’s calendar, you will have the option to delete the event while unlinking it. If you don’t delete the event, it will remain in Outlook but stop appearing in the issue. If you delete an event that you don’t have the permissions to delete, it will only be removed from your own calendar.

Can everyone in our Jira instance access my linked events?

A user’s Microsoft account needs to have access to the event’s calendar to be able to see the linked events.

Can I edit other people’s events?

You can only edit events of calendars that your Microsoft account has edit permissions for.

Where is the integration’s data stored?

Links are stored in issue properties. See the Stored Data section of our Security Statement page for more information.

What happens if I clone an issue?

Since Jira doesn’t include issue properties when cloning issues, the clone will not have linked events.

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