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Version 7.1.0 was released on June 18, 2024.

ScriptRunner Behaviours

ScriptRunner Behaviours can now be used to manipulate checklist fields in real time inside issue dialogs. This enables a long requested feature of being able to load a different checklists based on the value of another field.

To get started, take a look at our Working with ScriptRunner Behaviors page, then get inspired from our examples.

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The Edit Statuses page was revamped and new features were added to allow more flexibility.


Mandatory statuses

A new feature was added to force items to have a status. When enabled, a default status will be required. That default status will be set to all items that have no status. Additionally, users will not be able to clear statuses anymore.

This feature enables administrators to configure checklists to be controlled through their statuses.

The Show Status Menu option was moved to the Edit Statuses page.

Improved workflow validation for item statuses

There are new ways to validate statuses in the Workflow Validator and Condition. You can now validate that all items, all mandatory items or all checked items have certain statuses based on a regular expression.

Due dates

The items' due date picker was improved to support multiple languages and formats.


Configurable date formats

The due date picker will now format dates based on Jira’s JavaScript app properties. Take a look at Jira’s documentation for different format options.

First day of the week

The due date calendar now relies on Jira’s “Use ISO8601 standard in Date PickerLook and Feel parameter to dictate the first day of the week.

Language support

The due date picker now supports the German and French languages. Months and Week Days will now be shown in the user’s language.

Linked issue keys from item to issue conversions and issue keys in item names have been greatly improved to show their issue type and statuses. Additionally, users will no longer see a hyperlink for issues that do not exist or that they do not have the permission to see.


Other improvements

  • CHK-710 Improved the look of the checkbox when the current user does not have the “Check Item” permission.

  • CHK-897 The Show Checklist With Item Unchecked/Empty features now apply to panel display modes.

Bug fixes

  • CHK-1533 Adding items to a checklist that uses a template as default local items when creating an issue can cause some items to disappear.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.