Editing templates using REST APIs
To improve readability, all JSON results will be beautified, whereas the actual results will not.
This API lets you configure templates.
Request URI
The base request URI for all APIs on this page is as follows:
{JIRA Instance}/rest/com.okapya.jira.checklist/latest/
For more help with the Request URI, see Configuring checklists using REST APIs: Base configuration path.
Template API JSON structures
When templates are manipulated through REST APIs, they are enriched with metadata information, such as the custom field and project names.
Field | Type | Description |
| Numeric | GET The template’s unique identifier. This is the ID used when updating or querying a single template. |
| JSON Array | GET An array of template items, which are simplified checklist items. For more information on the checklist item JSON structure, see Checklist item representations. |
| String of a JSON Array | POST PUT MANDATORY A string containing an array of template items, which are simplified checklist items. For more information on the checklist item JSON structure, see Checklist item representations. |
| String | MANDATORY The name of the template that will be seen and searched by users. |
| String | The template’s description. |
| Numeric | MANDATORY The configuration scheme context to which the template can apply. This determines what features are available when adding and editing items. |
| Numeric | GET The project to which the template is specific. Project-specific templates can be edited by the project’s administrator from the Project Settings page or through REST APIs. Templates that are not project-specific are considered global and will be available in all projects within the template’s custom field context. Because global templates can be used in other projects, only administrators can edit or delete them from the Manage apps or Field config context pages or through REST APIs. |
| String | GET The key of the project obtained through the |
| String | GET The name of the project obtained through the |
| String | POST PUT Use this field when setting the template’s project. Either the project key or the project ID can be passed as a parameter. |
| Numeric | GET The configuration scheme context’s checklist custom field ID. |
| String | The owner of the template. Defaults to the template creator. Allows users to modify their own templates when the Create / Edit Templates from Checklists parameter is enabled. |
| Boolean | Indicates whether or not this template is available when importing a template in a checklist. Defaults to Templates that are marked as “not importable” are typically used for default local items and/or post functions and are not meant to be used by end users. |
| Boolean | Indicates whether or not this template will be pinned in the template dropdown menu. Defaults to |
| String | GET The configuration scheme context's name. |
| String | GET The configuration scheme context’s checklist custom field name. |
| Numeric | GET The avatar ID of the project obtained through the |
Template list
The template list consists of pagination information with a list of templates.
Field | Type | Description |
| Numeric | The queried page. If the value is |
| Numeric | The total number of templates available through the call, omitting pagination. |
| JSON Array | The list of templates resulting from the API call. |
| Numeric | The number of templates in the list. |
| Numeric | The maximum number of templates per page, if pagination is used. |
Get all templates
GET [...]/templates
You can get all templates with the option to paginate and filter the results.
This API needs administrator rights.
Description | Example | |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the list of templates with pagination information. |
Get a single template
GET [...]/templates/{templateId}
By providing a template ID, you can get the contents of a single template.
This API needs browsing rights on at least one project in which the template applies, unless the template is specific to a project, in which case the user needs browsing rights on the template’s project.
Description | Example | |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the requested template. |
Get templates available within a project
GET [...]/projects/{projectKeyOrID}/templates
You can get all templates that can be used for the provided project key or ID, including global templates (templates that have no value in their projectId
This API needs browsing rights on the provided project key or ID.
Description | Example | |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the list of templates with pagination information. |
Get importable templates
GET [...]/projects/{projectKeyOrID}/customFields/{customFieldId}/templates
You can obtain all templates that are importable for the provided project and custom field ID.
This API needs browsing rights on the provided project key or ID.
Description | Example | |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the list of templates with empty pagination information. Because no pagination is required in this API, the |
Create a template
POST [...]/templates
You can create a template.
This API needs administrator rights. Other users should use the Create a project-specific template endpoint.
When the Create/Edit Templates from Checklists feature is enabled, users can create project-specific templates.
Description | Example | |
Request | A web form that includes all the fields for the template that you are creating. The form can be simplified to only include the required fields. The value of the |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the created template. |
Create a project-specific template
POST [...]/projects/{projectKey}/customFields/{checklistFieldId}/templates
You can create a project-specific template.
This API needs browsing rights on the specified project.
Description | Example | |
Request | A web form that includes all the fields for the template that you are creating. The form can be simplified to only include the required fields. The value of the |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the created template. |
Update a template
PUT [...]/templates/{templateId}
You can update the specified template’s content.
This API needs administrator rights, unless either the updated template is project-specific or the payload contains the project field. In either case, the user must have administration rights on the related projects.
When the Create/Edit Templates from Checklists feature is enabled, users can update the templates they own.
Only administrators can update the owner of a template.
Description | Example | |
Request | A x-www-urlencoded form of the fields to update. The items are a JSON array of checklist items. To keep updating simple, you only have to list the fields and values that you want to update. Updating items' fields replaces all items with the specified value. The value of the |
Response | Returns the full JSON representation of the updated template. |
See where a template is in use
GET [...]/templates/{templateId}/usages
You can use this query to see where the template has been used to configure default local items and Modify Checklists post functions.
This API needs administrator rights unless the template is project-specific, in which case the user needs administration rights on the template’s project.
| Description | Example |
Response | Returns a JSON array with the list of the template is used. |
Delete a template
DELETE [...]/templates/{templateId}
You can delete a template. This API does not return a response.
This API needs administrator rights unless the template is project-specific, in which case the user needs administration rights on the template’s project.
When the Create/Edit Templates from Checklists feature is enabled, users can delete templates they own.
Add template to favorites
POST [...]/templates/{templateId}/favorite
You can add a template to your personal favorites. If the template is already a favorite, the API still returns 200 OK.
This API does not return a response.
This API needs browsing rights on at least one project where the template is applicable, unless the template is specific to a project, in which case you need browsing rights on the template’s project.
Remove template from favorites
DELETE [...]/templates/{templateId}/favorite
You can remove a template from your personal favorites. If the template is not a favorite, the API still returns 200 OK.
This API does not return a response.
This API needs browsing rights on at least one project where the template is applicable, unless the template is specific to a project, in which case you need browsing rights on the template’s project.