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Getting started

Welcome to Checklist for monday! If you have the app installed, you might be wondering what to do next. Here’s a breakdown of the first steps involved in integrating checklists into your team’s day-to-day.

Get up and running

Once you have Checklist for monday installed, there’s one thing you need to do to get started:

Adding the item view is what makes checklists available on your monday board. From there, you’re all set to start exploring the many configuration options that are available.

Onboard your users

Show your users how Checklist can boost their productivity! Walk them through the basics and refer them to the User guide for details about all kinds of topics. For example, users can read about how to:

Customize to your heart’s content

Checklist for monday is highly flexible and can be adapted to a wide range of needs. To start making checklists your own, you can:

Get inspired by practical how-tos

For practical examples of how you can use Checklist for monday to accomplish specific tasks, see What you can do with Checklist for monday. Checklist is used by all kinds of people to achieve all kinds of goals, and you’ll likely find some inspiration to help you manage your projects!

Examples include:

Have a neat use case that you think could help your fellow users? Let us know.

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